Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blog Post #5

Practical Podcast
podcast symbol

This was a very interesting podcast. Scott from Colorado and Melinda from Missouri are talking about their educational experiences as teachers. Scott has just recently taken a position as an interim middle school principal. He has always been in the high schools so it will be different for him. In Colorado they now have an accountability law where they will have a leadership team to make sure everything in the school is working efficiently. I think this is an awesome idea because it can help the teacher to be accountable to one another and all the weight isnt just on the principal. To get the parents on board with Scott being the new principal, he sent them a letter introducing himself and told them after July if they had any questions or wanted to get to know him better they could stop by the school for a cup of coffee. I like how he makes it very welcoming for the parents to get to know him. The podcast is a very neat idea how these two individuals come together and talk about education and technology that they are using. They love everything that comes with iphones, and ipad and they are looking into the droid.

I think this is a great way to communicate with other teachers and also let an audience hear what you have to say on different subjects dealing with education. I learned a great deal from this and want to continue listening to it in my spare time.

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom

Joe Dale gives us valuable information on the benefits of podcasting. Any student born after 1980 is considered a millennial which means they have not known life without a computer and technology. Podcasting helps teachers interact with their students outside the classroom. It is an excellent idea when a student is absent from school for a long period of time due to sickness or some other reason. It can allow the student to be able to hear what the teacher is teaching on and therefore that student will not be too behind on their work. Creating a podcast is fairly simple and it will not take up too much computer space. You can also get the parents on board by showing them that they can keep up with their child's progress and hear what their child is learning about. It is also a great way to have your students show how they would create a podcast and what they would talk about.

I am definitely on board with podcasting in the classroom. If it can make my job effective as a teacher then I will do it. I would love to see my students create a podcast about themselves so that I can learn more about them and see how creative they become with it. This will also help me keep students up to date with the material learned in the classroom while they are absent. One thing I think I would use it for the most is to put the material taught in the class on a podcast so that while students are doing their homework they can go back and listen to me teach it if they didn't understand it. I also loved how this website gave me valuable information on how to podcast.

The Education Podcasting Network
The Education Podcasting Network is a valuable website to learn more about podcasting and to share with others. I like how you can find podcast about specific subjects on this website. This can help me find better ways to teach certain topics and to find out some valuable information for myself. I can form lesson plans from the help of other educators all over the globe. I love how the website said that: "the best way to understand podcasting is like a merger between blogging and radio." I had never thought about it that way but that is exactly what it is! This website showed that podcasting is easy to subscribe to and with EPN you can go to specific subjects and hear a ton of podcasts on that subject.
I will be using this website when I begin teaching. I went to some podcast on Mathematics and it really breaks down how you can complete a problem. Since Math is my sore subject, I will probably use these podcast in the classroom so I can effectively teach my students how to solve mathematical equations. I will also try to contribute to this website by forming podcast and uploading them. I will also try to allow my students to do podcast and upload them as well. I listened to some classroom podcast and they were just wonderful!!


  1. Brittany,
    Great post! You did excellent at summarizing the points and also giving us your own feedback! I see that you are ahead, that is a great thing!
    Amberly Elmore

  2. Brittany,
    This is a great post, you have laid everything out that was in the videos and summarized them very nicely. I was also very impressed with the idea of podcasting in the classroom, especially the part about children being able to keep up with their peers when they are out sick. This is a very real problem in schools today.
    I also agree that "The Education Podcasting Network" is a valuable tool that will greatly benefit todays teacher. Being able to gather Information on a subject form around the globe is an awesome power that I feel will be useful when i have a class of my own.
