Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Comments for Kids #2

C4K 4
cathedral in Christchurch
I was assigned to comment on Litia's blog. She goes to the Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. She is in the 6th grade and is an excellent writer. She wrote a blog about the earthquake in Christchurch. She stated how it was devastating and that 300 people are still missing and there has been 75 confirmed deaths. Many buildings and streets have been destroyed. The cathedral (shown above) is an old historic landmark and it has collapsed on one side. I went and looked at an older blog she posted and it was a video to all the residents of Christchurch. In it she stated that she hopes they are okay and to never lose hope.

 When commenting on her blog, I told her how excellent of a writer she is and that she seems like a really sweet kid who is genuinely worried about the residents of Christchurch. I then went on to talk about the devastation over there and how I hope rescue teams can find some of the people missing. I also commented on how it is a real tragedy to see all these gorgeous, historical landmarks ruined.

C4K 5
I was assigned to Helen's blog. She is in year 7 at the PT England Intermediate School in Aukland, NZ. She is in room 21 and her teacher is Mrs. Lagitupu. In her blog post she talks about netbooks and how her school had them use them in a trial and error study. They are going to be able to keep them for their personal use as soon as they get the okay. She talks about how she has enjoyed using them for blogging, emails, and games as well as in class. In her class, she has used them for statistics and has learned how to make graphs on them. She says that her most exciting time is getting to use them to learn literacy.

I responded to her blog post first by telling her that I loved her post and was excited to see what they were doing. I also told her that I have a netbook and am very fond of mine as well. I went on to talk about how as a future teacher I cant wait to be able to incorporate technology in the classroom and that I love how her teacher is doing that. This really inspired me to be a motivator for technology in the classroom because I see how it has helped Helen.

C4K #6
stop bullying
I was assigned to Nathan O's blog. He is in Mrs. Phares' fourth period class. The blog post was about bullying and how it is increasing in the schools and the world. He talks about how little comments can soon turn into heated arguments which can result in fighting. He believes that bullies should be punished by having to spend at least one day in prison!

When commenting back on his post, I talked about how bullying is becoming a serious problem and how we need to make teachers and parents realize that it is going on so that something can be done about it. It has become a serious threat and there are students that are committing suicide because of bullies. I left him with the thought that we need to come up with a good way to deal effectively with bullying for the victims and the one who is bullying. This could then be turned around for good and we could make a change in the students life.

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